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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Mold in the home: how big a health problem is it?

8/31/2017 (Permalink)

Mold in the home: how big a health problem is it?

Published Wednesday 28 January 2015

By James McIntosh


For many people, January is a cold and damp month. During the winter, activities at home can lead to increased humidity and moisture indoors and, unfortunately, this can lead to the growth of mold.

Walls, clothes, books, toys and even CDs - nothing is sacred when it comes to mold growth. Its seemingly insidious growth can turn prized possessions into musty, moist sadness that only look fit for the garbage.

But for all its corrupting menace, to what extent should we be worried about mold when it invades our homes? If these are the effects that it can have on our possessions, what effects can it have on our bodies?

In this spotlight feature, we take a look at precisely what mold is, what causes it to grow, whether it is bad for our health and, if so, what can be done to stop it.

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